ASCII Art Response

When I first heard of ASCII art back in high school, I was always so intrigued with the idea behind it all. Everyone uses text symbols in their day to day lives, whether it be online or on social media. But using these characters and symbols to create complete and complex pieces of art blew my mind. I understand that art takes a lot of time and patience in every type of piece that is created, but this type of art takes this idea to a whole new level.
Knowing exactly what characters to use and in what specific spots to get the entire piece to flow throughout must take so much time and precision, not to mention accuracy. If even one little character is off in the flow of the piece could throw off the entire thing.
I had done something like this in my coding class. I had to use the '*' specifically to spell out my name in coding language. It was harder than normal ASCII art because I had to use coding, but it produces the same type of result. I can't even imagine if these ASCII artists took their art to that level and did it all in Java Script coding language.
I had always wanted to attempt this type of project but was intimidated by how daunting it seemed. Now that I have been taking art classes for many more years and I have grown as a person with more patience, I truly believe that I could accomplish an amazing piece of art using this technique. I would want to try to do it digitally rather than by hand because I feel like I need my characters to be 100% consistent throughout.


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