Reaction to Pjotr Sapegin's "Madama Butterfly"

This short animated opera, Madama Butterfly, really took me by surprise being the very first form of opera I have ever watched. In my lifetime, I had never taken an interest in opera, yet this film immediately caught my attention. I am a digital arts major, so seeing that it was a stop motion animation drew me in right away and the music was very intense right off the bat. As the opera went on and the storyline progressed, I could feel myself becoming more and more attached to the main female character of the story.

One scene that really grabbed my attention was the original sex scene between the native woman and the sailor. Being a stop motion animation, it can be a little challenging to portray such heavy emotion with the characters, but Madama Butterfly really captured the intense emotion of love and passion. After this initial scene, things took a turn for the dreadful when the reality of the woman's situation unfolded.

You can really feel the love that the woman has for her daughter and the music really helps set in the emotion. The hardest scene to watch in this entire opera, in my opinion, is when the sailor comes back and takes his baby away from the woman. He literally rips the umbilical chord and the baby from the woman and the pain you can feel is immense. You really understand the different levels the two live on and how their worlds could never truly collide in a reality. The woman then takes herself out of the scene when the sailor leaves and disassembles herself, removing herself from the dreadful life she lived...constantly waiting.

Being the first opera I've ever seen, I deeply enjoyed it. The music was beautiful and really played a huge role in the message of the opera. The devastation I could feel for the woman was real and I really look forward to watching more operas if this is how I feel.


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