Xerox Project

For my Xerox project, I mainly used copies of my hands and my forearms to create a mandala-style sun. The sun always represents positive energy and has been a theme in my artwork recently. I am all about positive energy and no matter what happens, the sun always sets and always comes back up in the morning. Being a college student is by far the most challenging thing I have ever been and it can be really hard to find the light in a lot of the things that we go through. But always staying positive and not letting things get to you is the key in being successful not only in college, but in life as well. 

I really enjoyed doing this project. Although it was quite the struggle for me to get my hands on a working scanner, I ended up making so many copies of different positions of my hands and forearms. I knew the idea of what I wanted to make, but had no clue what it would really look like while I was scanning myself. Only when I cut everything out and laid it all out on the floor did I start to see it come together. It was sort of like a huge puzzle, trying to see what worked well and what didn't. I think the final product turned out pretty cool, I love the affects that my tattoos have on it. In this picture it is laying on the floor, but I recently hung it up in my kitchen. My roommates even like it haha. I think this is one that I will keep for a while. 


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