Flip Book Animation
This flip book is a love story of the sun and the moon. They both develop on their own and then fall in love, all the while the moon is being selfish and only wants the spotlight for himself. When he diminishes after engulfing the sun, a beautiful sunflower grows and out comes the sun. It was a representation of how the light will always overcome the darkness in any situation. Doing this flip book was honestly a lot more difficult than I would have ever imagined. Making sure that the images were close enough to flow smoothly throughout was a big challenge for me. I found myself ripping out pages and starting over multiple times. I was happy that I got to do this project, however, because it tapped into a creative side of me that I haven't seen in a while and was able to express myself through illustration and animation again. https://youtu.be/C-k6Mf1waNM
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